Choose the starting stats for your units and hit Start! The population caps out at 40, so think carefully about how many of each unit you want. Try to get the highest Prosperity score by Dividing and Prospering until Generation 10.


Mouse Scroll: Zoom

Click and Drag: Pan

'P' to pause

'Space' to go to next turn while paused

'R' to see next population

'E' to see previous population

'M' to mute/unmute


Seven Pixel Studios: Zachary Li Norman- code, music

Seven Pixel Studios: Joey Toscano- pixel art


I really wanted to have events occurring every 5 years or so where the player can select an option out of three choices. Stuff like "earthquake/forest fire/flood" or "good harvest/good fishing/shiny gems". This would make the game a lot more interactive.

Also in the process of implementing the LootLocker leaderboard.

Also I know for a fact I didn't do proper memory management so beware of memory leaks if playing again multiple times in a row.

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